Money Infant

Baby Steps to Financial Freedom

Write for Us

Guest posts are highly appreciated by me and by my readers. I understand that providing a fresh perspective and new voices to the site can be very helpful for maintaining reader interest. If you have a story of your won to share, detailed information about any type of financial subject or a fresh take on an old angle I’m interested in hearing about it.

Benefits to You
As you probably already know guest posting on other blogs can help get your work exposed to readers who might not have found you otherwise and it also helps with search engine visibility. Link diversity is helpful in improving your sites rankings. By guest posting here on Money Infant you can address both of these needs and get new readers of your own as well as improving your search rankings.

Some Guidelines
While I would like to say I accept everything that simply isn’t true. I have an obligation to my readers and so the following guest posting guidelines should be considered and followed before contacting me about a guest posting opportunity.

  • Submissions should be a minimum of 700 words. I may accept less if you cover the subject matter comprehensively, but I think in most cases this will take a minimum of 700 words.
  • Articles should be submitted grammatically correct and without spelling errors. Furthermore, they should be informative and help the reader by answering a question or solving a problem. Please do not submit fluff articles or generic articles that have no details or originality.
  • I will accept submissions on anything related to personal finance, frugality, debt reduction, saving and investing, taxes and pretty much anything finance related.
  • Take the time to look through older posts to see what’s been covered already and to make sure your post fits with my overall body of work here.
  • All submissions must be original works never published before. You may publish 30 days after the article appears here on Money Infant.
  • Please provide a short (1-3 sentence) authors bio. You may include up to 2 links in the author bio, one to your homepage and a second to your RSS feed, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • No promotional links within the body of the post. Your bio is your promotion. Links to authoritative sites or links to internal posts on Money Infant are acceptable and even encouraged. No affiliate links will be accepted. I retain the right to modify, remove or add links to your article.
  • Feel free to send image recommendations with the article. Please only include images that allow for derivatives unless you own the image.
  • Please send articles in html in a text file or in a Word document (HTML preferred).

If you are interested in submitting a guest post please use the form below to contact me.


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  • Pounds To Pocket Short Term Loans