So yes the portfolio will almost certainly be worth much more than 1 million, but what will the purchasing power be? And this assumes that you aren’t spending the growth of said portfolio for the next 40 years.
And it also assumes you have the 1 million now, not as a savings goal over the next 15-20 years.
]]>Einstein’s rule of 72 will do the magic. In 40 years, your portfolio should be worth much more than 1 million.
]]>Another option is to take $250K and buy a house with cash. Take another 50K and pay off credit card and car loan debts.
Now, invest $700K in high dividend paying stable, big cap stocks. At 4% dividend and 4% average return, you are growing that money by 56K every year.
Now, find a hobby that you love and can make you another 30K. You can live happily for 86K a year anywhere in the world.
]]>All about growing the nut baby!
]]>Key is to find a great brand like Hampton, Holiday Inn, Country Inn and Suites.
]]>And no I would not turn down a million dollars, why are you offering?