Money Infant

Baby Steps to Financial Freedom

Reader Stories

Reader Stories
Obviously you know a lot about my thoughts on debt and savings and now I would like to give you the chance to share your story as well.

If you are currently paying down your debt to live a life more free or if you’ve already completed paying down your debts I would love to hear from you.

There is nothing more inspiring or motivating than hearing the true life stories of those who have successfully done what we are hoping to do. Your story could help provide the additional motivation needed to allow others to become successful in their quest for a debt free life.

As they say, sharing is caring, so won’t you share your debt free adventure with us? Submissions can remain anonymous if you like or you can link back to your own website if you have one. Fill out the form below to get started. You can use the message section to share your story or if you like I will get back to you via email for more details.


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